Dengue fever is having a banner year, up anestimated 232%--UN
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Submitted by mike kraft on
On average, the pandemic caused low-income countries to experience an average progress loss of 16.5% across all health indicators, whereas high-income countries have seen losses as low as 3%, the authors said.
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Submitted by mike kraft on
The World Health Organization said it had received reports of cases from 26 countries in the past month alone....
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Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
More needs to be done to ensure migrant communities are a key focus of receiving vital routine vaccinations to ensure health equity. That is according to Dr. Sally Hargreaves from St George's, University of London, whose research is published as part of the new migrant health Series in The Lancet Regional Health—Europe and is speaking at a World Health Assembly side event at The Geneva Health Forum.
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on