American Ebola patient worsens to critical condition
Submitted by mike kraft on
USA TODAY by John Bacon and Liz Sazbo March 16, 2015
An American health care worker being treated for Ebola has been deteriorated to critical condition, the National Institutes of Health said Monday.
The patient, who has not been identified, tested positive for Ebola virus while volunteering with Partners in Health at an Ebola treatment unit in Sierra Leone. The patient was airlifted by private charter medevac Friday to the the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Md. The patient is the 11th person with Ebola to be treated in the USA.
On Sunday, 10 health care workers who came in contact with the patient in Sierra Leone were flown to the USA. All were staying near hospitals with high-level biocontainment units capable of treating Ebola, in case they became sick.
On Monday, one of these health workers was moved into the biocontainment unit at Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha because of a change in symptoms, officials say. Hospital staff did not reveal what sort of symptoms the person experienced.
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