EU needs trillions of investment for 2050 climate target - Green research
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by FNUOvviyaa on
Climate change is directly contributing to humanitarian emergencies spared by heatwaves, wildfires, floods, tropical storms and hurricanes. Those and similar climate shocks are only increasing in scale, frequency and intensity.
Submitted by FNUOvviyaa on
Submitted by FNUOvviyaa on
Still, the annual UN summits have often been described as talk shops that do little to fundamentally improve the planet’s chances of surviving warming temperatures, or to ensure climate justice.
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by FNUOvviyaa on
Submitted by mike kraft on
World Bank Group President David Malpass said Monday the Earth is seeing "tragic reversals in development" due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Submitted by Kathy Gilbeaux on
submitted by Gordian Raacke - June 16, 2016
. . The Administration is announcing new executive actions and 33 state and private sector commitments that will accelerate the grid integration of renewable energy and storage. Together, these announcements are expected to result in at least 1.3 gigawatts of additional storage procurement or deployment in the next five years. .
Submitted by Gina Angiola on
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Each year the EcoDistricts Summit convenes leading municipal policymakers, developers, business leaders, planners, and community leaders – people with decision-making power – to share best practices and shape the growing EcoDistricts marketplace. Take a look behind development and neighborhood revitalization - for this can’t-miss event for leaders who are shaping and building the cities and urban neighborhoods of the future.