Confusing U.S. government COVID reporting requirements led to disparities in hospital data sharing--study
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Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Rates of long-term major adverse cardiovascular events (CVEs) fell after the COVID-19 pandemic began in early 2020 and remained lower over the next year among commercially insured New England patients seeking care, and the incidence of congestive heart failure (CHF) and angina (chest pain) remained lower than expected.
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Gun violence in America is increasing, not only on crowded city streets, but in small towns in remote parts of the country that lack resources to save people from life-threatening gunshot wounds. ...