Hurricane suppply disruptions of IV fluid prompt Biden administration to invoke wartime powers to bolster recovery
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Submitted by mike kraft on
A team led by US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) researchers studying Medicare claims data during the early Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant months conclude that a third dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine provides significant protection against hospitalization and death compared with two doses but wanes substantially after 4 months.
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Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Amid reports of militia involvement, the agency told CNN it was the subject of several threats and the alleged threat from the man later arrested was the main one it was aware of when it decided to pull back on outreach.
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
COVID activity in the United States continues to decline, and seasonal flu markers show no upticks, according to the latest respiratory disease updates today from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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Submitted by mike kraft on