Opinion: Why The U.S. Could Be Making The Same Mistakes With Bird Flu As It Did With COVID-19
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Some of the highest levels of influenza are now in Western states, several of which have already topped the peaks recorded during the worst of last winter's flu season.
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
The Biden administration, in a final push to shore up the nation’s pandemic preparedness before President-elect Donald J. Trump takes office, announced on Thursday that it would nearly double the amount of money it was committing to ward off a potential outbreak of bird flu in humans.
Federal health officials have been keeping a close eye on H5N1, a strain of avian influenza that is highly contagious and lethal to chickens, and has spread to cattle. The virus has not yet demonstrated that it can spread efficiently among people.
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on
Submitted by mike kraft on